Oh yes, I had regular concentration camp themed nightmares as a child. I distinctly remember sitting under a chair at the kingdom Hall as this account was read out and it terrified me. It's from the April 1st 1970 Watchtower (shame it wasn't an April fools joke):
16 When a Christian witness of Jehovah of Ntifinyire Village was beaten for refusing to purchase a political card, Banda’s youths took a knife and made cuts encircling his arms and then his legs and inflicted many cuts on his head. Other Witnesses had six-inch nails driven into their feet, bicycle spokes were forced through their legs and then these Christians were told to run. Still others were tortured with a burning stick placed against their arms, legs, head and entire body. Still these Witnesses refused to compromise their religious beliefs or deny their God Jehovah under such barbaric torture. Do you have the quality of Christian endurance in you to stand such tests? You may be called upon someday to prove your faith. How will your faith stand up?